Division of

Gross Receipt Tax – Form Examples

These files are provided for your reference only – please use the online Gross Receipts Tax filing system.



Business Code

Advertising Agency 101 MonthlyQuarterly
Auctioneer-Resident 520 MonthlyQuarterly
Commercial Lessor 198 MonthlyQuarterly
Construction Transportation Contractor 333 MonthlyQuarterly
Contractor-Non-Resident 335 MonthlyQuarterly
Contractor-Resident 331 MonthlyQuarterly
Direct Care Worker 024 MonthlyQuarterly
Drayperson/Mover 026 MonthlyQuarterly
Gas Use Tax 704 Monthly
Harness Race Trainer 503 Monthly
Harness Racing Meet Operator 502 Monthly
Hotel 152 Monthly
Lessee Of Tangible Property 612 Quarterly
Lessee Of Tangible Property With Retail Lic 611 Quarterly
Lessor Of Tangible Personal Property 602 Quarterly
Manufacturer’s Agent Or Representative 045 MonthlyQuarterly
Manufacturer-Automobile 357 MonthlyQuarterly
Manufacturer-Various Products 356 MonthlyQuarterly
Mercantile Or Collection Agency 050 MonthlyQuarterly
Motel 161 Monthly
Motor Vehicle Dealer 450 Quarterly
Motor Vehicle Lessee 613 Quarterly
Motor Vehicle Lessor 603 Quarterly
Non-Resident Auctioneer 519 MonthlyQuarterly
Non-Resident Construction Transport Cont 337 MonthlyQuarterly
Non-Resident Contractor/Developer 336 MonthlyQuarterly
Parking Lot/Garage 174 MonthlyQuarterly
Personal Services – Amusement Conductor 105 MonthlyQuarterly
Photographer 178 MonthlyQuarterly
Professional and/or Personal Services 007 MonthlyQuarterly
Professional Services – Real Estate Broker 581 MonthlyQuarterly
Professional Services – Security Business 100 MonthlyQuarterly
Public Utility Tax 701 Monthly
Public Utility Tax – Telecommunication 709 Monthly
Resident Contractor/Developer 332 MonthlyQuarterly
Retail E911 Prepaid Wireless Services 409 Monthly
Retailer – Farm Machinery Dealer 394 MonthlyQuarterly
Retailer – Grocery Supermarket 404 Monthly
Retailer – Petroleum Products 387 MonthlyQuarterly
Retailer – Restaurant 393 MonthlyQuarterly
Retailer – Transient (10 Days or Less) 403 Quarterly
Retailer – Various Products 396 MonthlyQuarterly
Scrap Tire Fee 406 Monthly
Tourist Home 192 Monthly
Transient Photographer 194 MonthlyQuarterly
Wholesaler – Any Products 377 MonthlyQuarterly
Wholesaler – Commerical Feed Dealer 360 MonthlyQuarterly
Wholesaler – Food Processor 374 MonthlyQuarterly
Wholesaler – Petroleum Products 368 MonthlyQuarterly

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