Division of

Identity Theft and Victim Assistance

Each tax season, the Division of Revenue receives more than 500,000 tax returns. Regrettably, not all of these returns come from reputable filers. A growing portion each year comes from thieves intent upon using honest taxpayers’ identities to secure a fraudulent tax refund.

While we use a variety of tools and security measures to protect state resources and prevent the issuance of fraudulent refunds, it is important that you are aware of the steps you can take should you suspect or be informed that you’ve been a victim of tax-related identity theft.

These steps are outlined below.

What is tax-related identity theft?

Tax-related identity theft occurs when someone uses your name and social security number to file a tax return claiming a fraudulent refund.

Fraudulent Returns filed with the State of Delaware

If you believe you are a victim of a tax-related identity theft and/or a fraudulent State of Delaware or federal tax return was filed using your social security number, please contact the following organizations:

  • The Delaware Division of Revenue at 1-800-292-7826 or directly at 302-856-5358 to speak with a fraud auditor. Our business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm.
  • The IRS Identity Theft Department at 1-800-829-8374 or visit their website at
  • Contact and place a “fraud alert” on your credit records with the three major credit bureaus:
    • Equifax (800) 525-6285
    • Experian (888) 397-3742
    • TransUnion (800) 680-7289


Warning Signs of Identity Theft

Delaware Division of Revenue or Internal Revenue Service note any of the following:

  • You receive correspondence requesting tax return information for a return that you have not filed yet.
  • You are notified that a return has already been filed using your name or social security number.
  • You receive a balance due or refund offset notice for a tax year in which have not yet filed a tax return.


Data Breaches

Not all data breaches or computer hacks result in tax-related identity theft. It is important to know what type of personal information was stolen.

If you have been a victim of a data breach, keep in touch with the company to learn what it is doing to protect you.

If your employer informs you that your W-2 information has been breached, please have the employer contact the Delaware Division of Revenue at 1 (800) 292-7826 or directly at (302) 856-5358 to alert us to risk of possible victims of identity theft and filing of fraudulent returns.

Other Resources

Federal Trade Commission at or at (877) 438-4338 or (202) 326-2800

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