Division of

Approved Software Vendors

The Division of Revenue often receives inquiries from taxpayers and tax preparers regarding the status of e-file vendors, as well as the status of vendor forms.  To assist taxpayers, the following is a list of the vendors who have requested approvals from the Division of Revenue, together with the forms and services of that vendor that have been approved to date.

Approved E-File and Substitute Paper Tax Form Vendors

The following software vendors are offering approved 2024 tax season forms for taxpayers for Delaware’s electronic filing (eFile) program as part of the Federal/State E-File Program. Developers and products will be added to the list as vendors are approved.

Software vendors appearing on this list have products that have passed the review and testing procedures established by the Division of Revenue. The review, however, does not include the accuracy of the software program or the program’s calculations. Electronic tax preparation services are provided by independent commercial companies, and the scope of and approach to tax return preparation and filing vary among service providers.

Please carefully read the information provided by each company to fully understand the services it offers. Requests for assistance with software must be directed to individual service providers, not the Delaware Division of Revenue. The Division is not liable for and does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of these income tax filing products or programs. While the Division promotes electronic tax preparation and filing, it does not endorse or recommend any specific company, its products or services.


ID Co. Software Tax Type
1017 HRB Development, LLC HRB TAXCUT Individual
1019 CCH Incorporated PROSYSTEM Fiduciary
1019 CCH Incorporated PROSYSTEM Individual
1019 CCH Incorporated PROSYSTEM Composite
1019 CCH Incorporated PROSYSTEM Partnership
1022 Thomson Reuters UltraTax Individual
1022 Thomson Reuters UltraTax Composite
1024 Drake Software,LLC DRAKE SOFT Individual
1024 Drake Software,LLC DRAKE SOFT Partnership
1024 Drake Software,LLC DRKONLINE Individual
1032 Intuit Inc Lacerte,Proline Individual
1037 Crosslink Professional Tax Solutions, LLC 1037 Fiduciary
1037 Crosslink Professional Tax Solutions, LLC 1037 Individual
1037 Crosslink Professional Tax Solutions, LLC 1037 Partnership
1045 Universal Tax System Inc UNIVERSAL Individual
1062 Thomson Reuters THOMSONFGS Fiduciary
1062 Thomson Reuters THOMSONPGS Partnership
1064 Tax Act Inc TAXACT Individual
1064 Tax Act Inc TAXACTOL Partnership
1187 1040 Now Corporation LAMSONTECH Individual
1211 On-Line Taxes, Inc. ONLINETAXE Individual
1555 Intuit Inc INTUIT Individual
1682 Cash App Taxes, Inc CASHTAX Individual
1833 Universal Tax Systems Inc. 010470103 Individual
1937 Advanced Tax Solutions, LLC taxprepofc Fiduciary
1937 Advanced Tax Solutions, LLC taxprepofc Individual
3211 On-Line Taxes, Inc. OLTDTPROTS Fiduciary


ID Co. Software Tax Type
1187 1040 Now Corporation LAMSONTECH Personal
1937 Advanced Tax Solutions, LLC TAXPREPOFC Corporate
1937 Advanced Tax Solutions, LLC TAXPREPOFC Fiduciary
1937 Advanced Tax Solutions, LLC TAXPREPOFC Personal
1937 Advanced Tax Solutions, LLC TAXPREPOFC Partnership
1682 Cash App Taxes, Inc CASHTAX Personal
1019 CCH Incorporated PROSYSTEM Corporate
1019 CCH Incorporated PROSYSTEM Fiduciary
1019 CCH Incorporated PROSYSTEM Personal
1019 CCH Incorporated PROSYSTEM Composites
1019 CCH Incorporated PROSYSTEM Partnership
1023 Corptax, Inc. CORPTAX001 Corporate
1023 Corptax, Inc. CORPTAX001 Partnership
1037 Crosslink Professional Tax Solutions, LLC 1037 Corporate
1037 Crosslink Professional Tax Solutions, LLC 1037 Fiduciary
1037 Crosslink Professional Tax Solutions, LLC 1037 Personal
1037 Crosslink Professional Tax Solutions, LLC 1037 Partnership
1024 Drake Software,LLC DRAKE SOFT Corporate
1024 Drake Software,LLC DRAKE SOFT Fiduciary
1024 Drake Software,LLC DRAKE SOFT Personal
1024 Drake Software,LLC DRAKE SOFT Partnership
1024 Drake Software,LLC DRKONLINE Personal
1729 HRB Development LLC HRB TXO Personal
2029 HRB Development LLC. HRB BW Corporate
1735 HRB Development LLC. HRB BWO Personal
1017 HRB Development, LLC HRB TAXCUT Personal
1555 Intuit Inc INTUIT Personal
1032 Intuit Inc LACERTE Corporate
1032 Intuit Inc LACERTE Fiduciary
1032 Intuit Inc LACERTE Personal
1032 Intuit Inc LACERTE Partnership
1032 Intuit Inc PROLINE Corporate
1032 Intuit Inc PROLINE Fiduciary
1032 Intuit Inc PROLINE Personal
1032 Intuit Inc PROLINE Partnership
1030 Intuit Inc PROSERIES Corporate
1030 Intuit Inc PROSERIES Fiduciary
1030 Intuit Inc PROSERIES Partnership
1030 Intuit Inc TURBOTAX Corporate
1031 Jackson Hewitt Technology Services LLC 1031 Personal
3211 On-Line Taxes, Inc. OLTDTPROTS Corporate
3211 On-Line Taxes, Inc. OLTDTPROTS Fiduciary
3211 On-Line Taxes, Inc. OLTDTPROTS Personal
3211 On-Line Taxes, Inc. OLTDTPROTS Partnership
4211 On-Line Taxes, Inc. OLTSOFTPRO Corporate
4211 On-Line Taxes, Inc. OLTSOFTPRO Fiduciary
4211 On-Line Taxes, Inc. OLTSOFTPRO Personal
4211 On-Line Taxes, Inc. OLTSOFTPRO Partnership
1211 On-Line Taxes, Inc. ONLINETAXE Personal
9002 PwC US Tax LLP PWCMLP Partnership
1115 Taluy California Corporation FILEYOURTA Personal
1064 Tax Act Inc TAXACT Corporate
1064 Tax Act Inc TAXACT Personal
1064 Tax Act Inc TAXACT Partnership
1064 Tax Act Inc TAXACTOL Corporate
1064 Tax Act Inc TAXACTOL Personal
1064 Tax Act Inc TAXACTOL Partnership
1259 Tax Technologies 1259D Corporate
1259 Tax Technologies 1259D Composites
1259 Tax Technologies 1259D Partnership
1259 Tax Technologies 1259P Corporate
1259 Tax Technologies 1259P Composites
1259 Tax Technologies 1259P Partnership
1201 TaxHawk Inc. FREETAXUSA Personal
1038 TaxSlayer TAXSLAYER Corporate
1038 TaxSlayer TAXSLAYER Fiduciary
1038 TaxSlayer TAXSLAYER Personal
1038 TaxSlayer TAXSLAYER Partnership
1068 TaxWare Systems Inc 1068TXW Personal
1147 The Lackner Group, Inc. B23017825 Fiduciary
1062 Thomson Reuters – GoSystem/ONESOURCE, Thompson Reuters (Tax & Accounting) Inc. THOMSONAGS Personal
1062 Thomson Reuters – GoSystem/ONESOURCE, Thompson Reuters (Tax & Accounting) Inc. THOMSONCGS Corporate
1062 Thomson Reuters – GoSystem/ONESOURCE, Thompson Reuters (Tax & Accounting) Inc. THOMSONFGS Fiduciary
1062 Thomson Reuters – GoSystem/ONESOURCE, Thompson Reuters (Tax & Accounting) Inc. THOMSONPGS Partnership
1022 Thomson Reuters-CS Professional Suite ULTRATAX Corporate
1022 Thomson Reuters-CS Professional Suite ULTRATAX Fiduciary
1022 Thomson Reuters-CS Professional Suite ULTRATAX Personal
1022 Thomson Reuters-CS Professional Suite ULTRATAX Partnership
1045 Universal Tax System Inc UNIVERSAL Personal
1833 Universal Tax Systems Inc. 10470103 Personal

The following software vendors are offering approved 2024 tax season forms for taxpayers for Delaware’s paper submissions. Company’s and products will be added to the list as vendors are approved.

Vendors appearing on this list have products that have passed the review and testing procedures established by the Division of Revenue. The review, however, does not include the accuracy of the printing or vendor’s calculations. Paper submissions are provided by independent commercial companies, and the scope of and approach to tax return preparation and filing vary among service providers.

Please carefully read the information provided by each company to fully understand the services it offers. Requests for assistance with their software or forms must be directed to individual service providers, not the Delaware Division of Revenue. The Division is not liable for and does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of these income tax filing forms or programs. While the Division promotes paper submission tax preparation and filing, it does not endorse or recommend any specific company, its products or services.


Software Developer
1017 H&R Block Tax Software (HRBS)
1031 ProFiler
1034 E-Docs Library
1038 TaxSlayer, TaxSlayer Pro
1048 Aatrix
1122 MasterTax
1256 Evolution
1393 Paycor
1555 ProSeries (Individual)/ Turbo Tax /Turbo Tax Pro
1648 iSolved
1682 Cash App Taxes
1691 Softpro
1729 H&R Block Online (TXO)
1735 BlockWorks Online (BWO)
1758 APTM
1926 Quickbooks Payroll
2029 BlockWorks (BW)


Software Developer
1017 H&R Block Tax Software (HRBS)
1019 CCH ProSystem fx
1022 UltraTax CS
1023 CSC Corptax
1024 Drake Tax
1030 ProSeriesBusiness, TurboTax Live Full Service Business
1031 ProFiler
1032 Lacerte, ProConnect Tax Online
1034 E-Docs Library
1037 Crosslink 2024
1038 TaxSlayer, TaxSlayer Pro
1039 SuperForm
1045 TaxWise
1048 Aatrix Software
1057 Payroll Relief & After the Fact Payroll
1062 GoSystem/ONE SOURCE/e-Form
1064 TaxAct, TaxAct Professional
1115, ProTaxPro
1122 MasterTax
1217 Partner Forms
1256 Evolution
1393 Paycor
1555 ProSeries (Individual)/ Turbo Tax /Turbo Tax Pro
1581 Employer On Demand
1624 TAXEX
1648 iSolved
1682 Cash App Taxes
1687 State Lifecycle Tool (PWCSLT)
1729 H&R Block Online (TXO)
1735 BlockWorks Online (BWO)
1756 TRACK
1833 ATX
1926 Quickbooks Payroll
1968 Filing Factory
2029 BlockWorks (BW)
3211 OLTPro Desktop
4211 OLTPro Web

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